The 2022 National Seminar on Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University was held on July 12, 2022 at the Widya Sabha Auditorium with the theme "Momentum for Construction Technology Development in the Digital Era". The background of this activity is that technological developments in the construction sector are progressing rapidly, both in terms of design and construction methods. The development of technology towards digital is unavoidable at this time and humans in general have a new lifestyle that cannot be separated from all-electronic devices. Therefore, the community must be ready with digitalization in order to remain productive in order to be able to survive in the era of digitalization by adjusting to the times.

This activity invited competent speakers in the field of Civil Engineering, namely Dr. Ir. Ketut Agus Karmadi, S.T., MBA., M.T., IPU. as the Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Consultant Experts with the topic "The Role of Technology in the World of Construction" and Mrs. Tantri N. Handayani Ph.D. as an Information Modeling Expert from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University who brought the topic "Potential for Adoption of BIM Technology in Construction Projects." Then, no less proud, the 2022 National Seminar on Civil Engineering also invited Mr. I Made Aryatirta Predana, S.T., M.E. and Mrs. Putu Indah Dianti Putri, S.T., M.T. as a moderator. He is a young lecturer with various experiences and achievements in the field of civil engineering.

There were 177 participants who attended this seminar. Among them as many as 141 people attended offline and without reducing the enthusiasm 36 people attended online. The seminars, which were conducted online and offline, ran smoothly and conducively. With this seminar, it is expected to be able to introduce existing technology in the construction world according to the topics in this seminar. So that in the end it is able to increase technological collaboration, especially in the construction sector.