Udayana University has made various efforts to improve the cooperation that has been established with various partners, both at home and abroad. In order to determine the level of benefits and satisfaction of cooperation partners, it can be seen from the responses and follow-up of partners after carrying out cooperative activities. Cooperation activities are considered to have positive and beneficial values for partners when partners are willing to carry out further and wider cooperation, or extend the MoU with Udayana University. The benefits and satisfaction of the results of the collaboration felt by Udayana University with partners were used as material to improve the quality and further cooperation programs.
Fulfilling the need for data and information related to various collaborations carried out by Udayana University, both domestic cooperation and foreign cooperation, monitoring and evaluation of cooperation is carried out which aims to:
- Knowing the suitability of the cooperation program with the Memorandum of Understanding / Cooperation Agreement.
- Ensure the achievement of the goals of cooperation based on the Memorandum of Understanding/MoU agreed with the cooperation partners.
- Knowing the extent to which the implementation of cooperation which includes various cooperation programs is running as expected.
- Knowing the relevance of cooperation activities which include activities and programs for implementing cooperation.
- Seeing the sustainability of cooperation activities whether it needs to be developed/continued or discontinued.
- Knowing the level of partner satisfaction in collaborating with Udayana University
Evaluation results show the following data:
2019 Results of Cooperation Survey
From the results above, it shows that 84% or 40 partners strongly agree, 12% or 3 partners answer agree, 4% or 1 cooperation partner responds neutrally, 0% or 0 from partner partners disagree, and 0% or 0 of the cooperation partners who answered strongly disagree. This shows that the various collaborations carried out with Udayana University have satisfied the cooperation partners.
2020 Results of Cooperation Survey
The collaboration carried out with Udayana University is as expected
From the results above, it shows that 94% or as many as 124 domestic partners strongly agree, 3.8% or as many as 5 cooperation partners answered agree, 2.3% or as many as 3 of the cooperation partners disagree. , and 0% or 0 of the cooperation partners who answered strongly disagree. This shows that various collaborations from domestic parties carried out with Udayana University are very satisfying for cooperation partners.
Cooperation with Udayana University will be continued in the future

The collaboration carried out with Udayana University is as expected
Cooperation with Udayana University will be continued in the future
From the results above, it shows that 85% or as many as 91 domestic partners strongly agree, 13.1% or as many as 15 cooperation partners answered agree, 2.3% or as many as 3 of the cooperation partners disagree. , and 1.9% or 2 of the cooperation partners who answered strongly disagree. This shows that various collaborations from domestic parties carried out with Udayana University are very satisfying for cooperation partners.
For more details, please see the following link: SIM Kerjasama UNUD