Tri Dharma of Higher Education, Becomes the Theme of the 2022 New Student Campus Life Introduction Activity, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University


Tuesday, August 16, 2022, an Introduction to Campus Life for New Students in 2022, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University was held. This activity was carried out offline at the Widyasaba Rectorate Building, Bukit Jimbaran Campus after two consecutive years of being conducted online. A total of 906 students consisting of 867 new students and 39 old students divided into 20 groups joined in this event. The event itself is focused on two activities at the Faculty Level and at the Study Program Level. Introduction to Campus Life for New Students in 2022 is a routine event held every year for New Students of the Faculty of Engineering. This year's Introduction to Campus Life for New Students in 2022 takes the theme "Strengthening the Implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education Towards FT-Unud with Global Competitiveness."

With the introduction of the 2022 New Student Campus Life Introduction activity at the Faculty level, New Students have officially been accepted to join the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University. During the future study period, students of the Faculty of Engineering are expected to become independent and responsible people while studying at the Faculty of Engineering. Develop scientific fields and areas of interest outside the scientific competences contained in the Faculty of Engineering and at Udayana University. The topics presented in the Introduction to Campus Life for New Students in 2022 consist of General Lectures covering vision and mission, Introduction to Organizations and Capturing future opportunities and challenges. The general lecture was delivered by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Ir. I Ketut Sudarsana, ST., Ph.D.. The Academic Lecture discussed the topic of Learning Strategies and Implementation of Independent Learning on an Independent Campus in universities which was brought directly by the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, Prof. I Nyoman Suprapta Winaya, ST., MA.Sc., Ph.D. Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance, Dr. Ir. I Ketut Gede Sugita, MT. brought topics about facilities and infrastructure, norms, campus ethics and sanctions. Lecture on Student Affairs, Ir. I Nyoman Budiastra, M.Erg brought the topic of Organizational Structure and Student Activities. The last lecture on Occupational Safety, Health and Environment was delivered by Mr. Made Dodiek Wirya Ardana, ST., MT.

Ir. I Ketut Sudarsana, ST., Ph.D. in his speech said that the students of the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University were young Indonesian technocrat candidates. Where the formation of student character who is creative, innovative, responsible and has a competitive spirit is an important point while being a student of the Faculty of Engineering. Students are expected to strengthen networks and work together outside of academic activities that respect and appreciate each other in organizational ethics. The Dean of the Faculty of Engineering emphasized that the Education System at the University level is different from the high school level where students are required to become students who are responsible for themselves, their families, institutions and the nation. “Graduating on time is not good for individuals, families and institutions. Get to know student activities that support study and outside of academics. You are the best students accepted at the Faculty of Engineering. Academics are also balanced with organizational activities on campus. Become a Bachelor of Engineering who has other competencies that are superior to other engineering alumni from other universities.” Said the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering during the welcome session

The 2022 New Student Campus Life Introduction event was also attended by the Chancellor of Udayana University, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng., IPU. he delivered a speech as a welcome greeting to the new students of the Udayana Faculty of Engineering. The Chancellor said that the Introduction to Campus Life for New Students in 2022 will give more meaning after the Introduction for Campus Life for New Students in 2022 at the University. “Maintain the good name of the study program with a sense of responsibility. Understand every academic and also student affairs at the Faculty level to Mistra Bestari. The target for students who graduate on time is very high. Graduating on time is not good for individuals, families and institutions. Get to know student activities that support study and outside of academics. You are the best students accepted in the Faculty of Engineering. Academics are also balanced with organizational activities on campus. Become a Bachelor of Engineering who has other competencies that are superior to other engineering alumni from other universities.” Rector said, addressed to new students during the bestari mistra event. take place.

The first day the students were introduced to campus life at the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University. Through an explanation of the scheme and the learning process as well as an introduction to the organizational structure at the faculty level. The introduction material was presented by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Ir. Ketut Sudarsana S.T., Ph.D., with a general target that every new student of the Faculty of Engineering has the capability to make achievements in the field of student affairs and can play an active role in student activities. In addition, through an explanation of the introduction to the faculty of engineering, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering also hopes that students will be able to be directed not only to be creative and innovative but also to be responsible in the process of studying their lectures, which means that they do not increase their study period and have a high cumulative achievement index in order to be able to support the accreditation of each study program at the Faculty of Engineering into a very superior study program and of course able to make achievements both on a national and international scale. The determination of graduation for the 2022 New Student Campus Life Introduction participants is based on five criteria, namely attendance in each activity, seriousness in participating in activities, discipline in using time, perseverance in listening to obedience material in following the rules.

The Faculty of Engineering's 2022 New Student Campus Life Introduction event ended with the submission of new students to each study program. The handover was carried out symbolically by giving a certificate by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering to each study program coordinator after the break session was over. The following activities will continue with the introduction of each study program delivered by each study program. So that new students can get to know more closely based on the study program and can develop their potential in each major of their choice.