Coordination Meeting for Prospectus of Engineering Faculty in 2021

Monday, 5 July 2021, the Faculty of Engineering held a coordination meeting for creating a Prospectus of 2021. This is the first meeting for the Prospectus Drafting Team in 2021. Make the prospectus is an important thing, because the book last renewable in 2018. This meeting lead by the Vice Dean for Academic and Planning, held online via Cisco Webex.

The Vice Dean for Academic and Planiing Mr. I Ketut Sudarsana said "this prospectus for public society, its fill an information about  human resources, achievements, and other. This book also use for increasing a collaboration in research.

The Vice Dean for General and FInancial Mr. I Ketut Gede Sugita also added "the prospectus containt prospects and profiles of Engineering Faculty like an information about human resources, natural resoucer, target, etc". Mr. I Ketut Gede Sugita urges to don't make a prospectus like an document that only satisfy our self, but make it satisfying and comfortable for the readers.

Head of Prospectus Drafting Team Mr. Nyoman Pramaita said "the 2018 prospectus is almost perfect, so we will still use the items. But the narrative is not relevant any more, there some updating need such as teaching and learning activities that are adapted to the present".