Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University Holds Development Plan Deliberations as well as Handover of Decrees in Formation of Unit Heads


"Towards superior accreditation which is one of the targets of the dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, specifically to form five units tasked with supporting the implementation of activities in accordance with the related fields within the Faculty of Engineering."

 The Deans of the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University have held development planning deliberation activities at the Dean's Building, 3rd Floor, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University. The meeting which was held on Wednesday (23/3) also had a special agenda held, namely the handover of a decision letter to each unit head formed by the dean of the Faculty of Engineering and socialization of guidelines for converting student activities into credits for future activities.

In the decision letter submission activity that took place, there were five unit heads who were appointed as special staff who would later help implement the program that will be held within the scope of the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University. The five heads of the previously mentioned units are the Head of the Learning Development and Quality Assurance Unit, Dr. Wayan Nata Septiadi, ST., MT. Head of Research and Community Service Unit, Dr. A A. Gde Agung Yana, ST., MT. Head of Information and Cooperation Unit, Kadek Suar Wibawa, MT. Head of the Occupational Health and Environmental Safety Unit, Ir. Made Dodiek Wirya Ardana, ST., MT. and Head of the Business Unit, Anak Agung Ngurah Amrita, ST., MT. with this agenda, the inauguration of the coordinator of the tropical engineering study program, Prof. Gusti Ayu Made Suartika, ST., M.Eng.Sc., Ph.D.

The issuance of this decree aims to introduce the head of the unit directly to the members of the Faculty of Engineering. As for the formation of the head of the unit, of course, in order to be able to carry out work programs held within the Faculty of Engineering specifically, both internally and externally. The division into these five areas can also make a narrowing related to the urgency that exists in each field. So that a good coordinator is established if there are problems or there are activities that will be held in accordance with their respective fields. The formation of this team is the right effort to support the goals set by the Ministry of Education and Culture. where an institution can go to a superior and world-class institution to achieve international accreditation.

The interesting thing about holding the Development Plan Deliberation this year is that there is a new unit formed to assist in the implementation of various activities to be carried out. The new unit is the Occupational Health and Environmental Safety unit. This unit was formed because of the urgency related to security and safety which should be a matter of great concern to every member of the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University.

sometimes every civitas always overrides occupational safety and health when carrying out practicum in the laboratory which of course is a very central thing to pay attention to. With these problems the head of the occupational safety and health unit himself has formed a concept that will be carried out from his field of planning, implementation and evaluation. At the planning stage, this unit has made progress in making instruments, which means compiling documents related to data and theories to be analyzed to identify hazards, vulnerabilities and risks from buildings, offices and laboratories available at the engineering faculty. Furthermore, they will conduct training training for the engineering faculty community to increase knowledge related to Occupational Safety, Health and Environment. It is the responsibility of the Safety, Occupational Health and Environment unit to provide this knowledge to remind and control the building in accordance with established procedures. And also keep every member of the community safe when coming and going to their respective homes.

Even though you have planned the best program, of course in reality you will find several obstacles, one of which is that it is very difficult to change the habits of every community member who does not pay attention to Occupational Safety, Health and Environment in carrying out practicals in the laboratory. Quoted from the narration given by Mr. Ir. Made Dodiek Wirya Ardana, ST., MT, namely “To implement Occupational Safety, Health and Environment, culture is needed. Building this culture is not like turning the palm of the hand easily so it takes time to get used to everyone who has activities in this building applying Occupational Safety, Health and the Environment”. However, the head of the Occupational Safety, Health and Environment unit is optimistic about changing this habit. Because, these habits can be changed by providing direction to the entire community of the Faculty of Engineering in terms of Occupational Safety, Health and the environment in order to avoid accidents and environmental damage that occurs.