Developing International Research Collaboration, UNUD Civil Engineering Students Become Respondents in the Road Shared Space Workshop at the University of Technology Sydney

In an effort to rebuild the definition, concept and understanding of how shared space can support and improve the development of strategic priority transportation locations, the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) represented by Dr. Cecilia da Rocha brought Lego games as a learning and research medium. The activity was opened by the Dean of FT Unud, she expressed her gratitude to UTS for choosing Unud as a partner in the road shared space research and hoped that in the future they could collaborate again in various fields of science.

Dr. Cecilia collaborated with Prof. Dewa Made Priyantha Wedagama to invite 10 UNUD Civil Engineering students as participants and respondents in a workshop consisting of 3 sessions, including: warming up, build group model, and the value of Lego Serious Play (LSP). The first session was warming up, students were asked to make the tallest building using only orange and green Lego. In the same session, students were also asked to make a Lego model according to the booklet they received, after which the model needed to be developed according to their dominant character. The first session aimed to familiarize students with the colorful dismantling and reassembling game, which is found in Kindergarten learning. "Students' creativity is honed to imagine how colorful blocks are arranged into shapes of objects in the surrounding environment," commented one of the workshop participants.

The second session was the creation of a group model, this session began with each participant choosing one cue card. They were asked to create a condition that describes individual traffic users, such as a mother pushing a baby carriage, a cyclist, a deliveryman delivering pizza to an apartment, a pedestrian carrying a dog in the park, and so on. After that, the model was developed by adding one important aspect of transportation that supports the participant's model condition. According to Dr. Cecilia, this study can show how respondents view shared space users in everyday life. "What do they imagine when private vehicles meet pedestrians, what is the permitted vehicle speed, and what happens if the right and left sides of the road are dense commercial areas," she added.

And in the third session, all important aspects are united in a shared space, then conclusions are drawn by determining the ranking of very important, medium, and supporting. "The workshop was very explorative and I felt very helpful, where we were explained to apply the concept of shared spaces, namely the integration of roads and pedestrians in a large space, with the idea of ??providing awareness to vehicles and freedom to pedestrians and exploring the concept in real terms by assembling miniature shared spaces in Lego medium", commented I Made Dwi Litarona as one of the workshop participants of the 2023 Unud Civil Engineering students.