Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University Holds Focus Group Discussion on Collaboration between Industry, Academics and Government in Improving the Quality of Sustainable Engineering Research

Ubud, 21 October 2023 - Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) entitled "Collaboration between Industry, Academics and Government in Improving the Quality of Sustainable Engineering Research." This event took place at Ubud Wana Resort, Ubud, and was attended by Engineering Deans from various universities in Bali, study program coordinators, lecturers, students, and partners who have collaborated with the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University.

This FGD is a forum for academics, government, industry and the scientific community to discuss and exchange views on how close collaboration between the three sectors can improve the quality of sustainable engineering research. In this event, several prominent speakers in the engineering field were present to convey their views and experiences.

One of the main sources is Dr.-Ing. Ir. Wahyudi Hasbi, S.Si, M.Kom, who is the Head of the Satellite Technology Research Center, Aviation & Space Research Organization, National Research & Innovation Agency (BRIN). He presented material on "Satellite Technology Research Collaboration to Improve the Quality of Sustainable Engineering Research." Discussions regarding the role of satellite technology in improving the quality of engineering research were one of the important highlights of this event.

Next, Dr. Ir. Yudi Pramono, M. Eng, Head of the Center for the Study of Systems and Technology for Monitoring Nuclear Installations and Materials, presented material on "Research Collaboration between Industry, Academics and Government in the Field of Nuclear Security and Safety." This discussion provides insight into how the collaboration of the three can ensure security and safety in the use of nuclear technology.

Apart from that, Irvan Wiradinata, S.I.Kom., M.Sc., Vice President PT. Intan Prima Kalorindo, provided material on "Collaboration in Improving the Quality of Engineering Research in Technology Development in the Field of Engineering Design and Manufacturing Process." He shared experiences about how industry plays an important role in supporting research and technological development in the fields of engineering and manufacturing.

In the question and answer session and discussion, FGD participants gained a deeper understanding of the importance of close collaboration between industry, academia and government in advancing sustainable engineering research. It is hoped that the results of this FGD will become the basis for developing stronger collaborative initiatives in the future, which in turn will advance technological development and innovation in the engineering field.