Faculty of Engineering Udayana University Holds Graduation Period 161 and 162, Releases 302 Graduates

Faculty of Engineering Udayana University held Graduation Period 161 and 162 which took place in the Swastika Hall, IT Building of Faculty of Engineering, Jimbaran Campus. At this graduation event, the Faculty of Engineering released 302 graduates consisting of various study programs.

The graduates released at this Graduation consisted of 7 graduates of the Doctoral Program in Engineering, 2 graduates of the Master of Architecture, 8 graduates of the Master of Civil Engineering, 2 graduates of the Master of Electrical Engineering, 2 graduates of the Master of Mechanical Engineering, and 95 graduates of the Bachelor of Architecture Program, 55 graduates of the Bachelor of Civil Engineering, 9 graduates of the Bachelor of Electrical Engineering, 23 graduates of the Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering, 41 graduates of the Bachelor of Information Technology, 13 graduates of the Bachelor of Environmental Engineering, 18 graduates of the Bachelor of Industrial Engineering, and 27 graduates of the Professional Education of Architects.

Vice Dean I, Prof. Ir. I Nyoman Budiarsa, M.T., Ph.D., IPU., in his speech delivered an important message to the graduates. "Through the education that has been taken, you have not only mastered knowledge but also lived an intelligent life by prioritizing a good personality in working and in society. Always have dedication, innovation, and collaboration in working. Hopefully this will be a good start to build your career and success," he said.

This graduation ceremony marks a new chapter for the graduates in implementing the knowledge they have gained during their studies, as well as being an important moment in their academic journey at the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University.