Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University Receives Visit from PLN UID Bali in the "Srikandi Goes to Campus" Activity

Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University recently received a visit from PLN UID Bali in an activity entitled "Srikandi Goes to Campus". This activity was held as part of a public lecture program initiated by the Srikandi Team, which is a task force extension of the Ministry. This program is a derivative of the implementation of capacity building which aims to be a means for Srikandi PLN talents to go directly to the community, providing information related to various aspects of PLN's business processes.

On this occasion, the Srikandi PLN Bali Team provided an explanation of services such as beyond kWh, clean energy, etc. as a form of support towards Bali Clean Energy, as well as an introduction to the PLN Mobile application. This activity is expected to help students get to know the PLN Bali business process more closely and support the dissemination of accurate information related to the services offered by PLN.

The event was attended by the Vice Dean III of the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, invitees from PLN UID Bali, and students from various study programs within the Faculty of Engineering. By holding this activity, it is hoped that students can better understand PLN's role in supporting the clean energy transition and utilizing various innovative PLN services, both in everyday life and in the future.