KSR Team FT Unud Wins 2nd Place, 3rd Place, and Best Design Line Follower at National Level at Elektro Station 2024

The KSR Team of the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University (FT Unud) has successfully achieved brilliant achievements in the Elektro Station 2024 event organized by the Electrical Engineering Student Association of Mataram University on August 20-21, 2024. The competition, which took place at Mataram University, was attended by various teams from all over Indonesia and competed in various categories in the field of robotics technology.

In the Line Follower competition, the KSR Team FT Unud managed to bring home three prestigious awards: 2nd Place, 3rd Place, and Best Design. Here are the winners from the KSR FT Unud Team:

2nd Place:

  • I Putu Gede Joni Ananta Udyana (Information Technology)
  • I Putu Jonas Ananda Putrawan (Electrical Engineering)

3rd Place:

  • I Wayan Raditha Cahyadinata (Electrical Engineering)
  • I Made Sugi Destrawan (Electrical Engineering)

Best Design:

  • Irman Umbu Animansyah (Electrical Engineering)
  • Gusti Ngurah Santa Pradnyana (Electrical Engineering)

This achievement demonstrates the ability of FT Unud students in the field of robotics, especially in the Line Follower category, which requires precision in designing and programming robots so that they can follow paths with high precision. The Best Design award is proof of the creativity and innovation of the KSR FT Unud Team in designing robots that are not only functional but also have the best design among other participants.

This success is a source of pride for FT Unud, as well as a motivation for other students to continue to excel at the national level. Congratulations to the KSR FT Unud Team for this extraordinary achievement!