Mechanical Student Association of the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University Holds Mechanical Engineering Training X Mechanical Day

The Mechanical Student Association of the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University held the Mechanical Engineering Training X Mechanical Day, on Saturday, April 1, 2023 online through a zoom meeting. The event was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, the Coordinator of the Mechanical Engineering Study Program, the Mechanical Engineering Student Advisor and also the Chair of the Mechanical Engineering Student Association.

On the first day of the event, investor training was held, in collaboration with partners from Creative Station. The event which started at 09.00 WITA was opened by singing the Indonesia Raya Anthem by all the training participants. It is followed by singing the Mechanical Marshal and Mechanical Marshal and is followed by an opening prayer. The event was then continued with various reports and remarks.

After the main event was officially opened, it was followed by an introduction from Creative Station partners and speakers. Material one and question and answer session were conducted for approximately one hour, namely at 10.00-11.00 WITA. The end of this training was filled with materials and a second discussion session which ended with a closing by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and the training committee.