Nur Widiyasono Wins a Doctoral Degree at the 52nd Doctoral Promotion Open Session, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University
The Doctor of Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University held its 52nd doctoral promotion session on Tuesday, 28 February 2023 at the Wiswakarma Hall, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University. Promovendus Ir. Nur Widiyasono, S. Kom., M.Kom with a dissertation entitled Forensic Framework for the Internet of Things completed his studies within 5 years and received a very satisfactory predicate.
In his presentation, Dr. Ir. Nur Widiyasono, S. Kom., M. Kom explained that the Advance Data Acquisitions For Internet of Things (ADA-IoT) is the result of the development of a forensic framework which has different sub-stages. More specifically, the sub-stage of the imaging process and validation of digital data evidence is one of the things that must be done to maintain the integrity of digital data evidence so that it is appropriate to be presented at trial. In addition, the ability of investigators to handle cases related to Internet of Things services must be better and truly understand network systems and infrastructure given the same potential threats as the previous network. A framework alone is not enough but needs to be supported by applications that can assist the process of network forensic investigations such as the PCAPs Analyzer Application and the File Signature Analyzer Application so that the investigation process is not carried out conventionally.
As chairman of the session is Prof. Dewa Made Priyantha Wedagama, ST., MT., MSc., Ph.D., as the Coordinator of the Doctor of Engineering Study Program (PSDIT) of the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University. Promoter Prof. Ir. Ida Ayu Dwi Giriantari, M.Eng.Sc., Ph.D., IPM. Co-promoter I and II are Prof. Dr. Ir. Made Sudarma, M.A.Sc., IPU., ASEAN. Eng. and Prof. Ir. Linawati, M.Eng.Sc., Ph.D. Acting as buffer is Prof. Ir. Rukmi Sari Hartati, M.T., Ph.D., Prof. I Wayan Widhiada, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., Ir. Wayan Gede Ariastina, S.T., M.Eng.Sc., Ph.D. Dr. Ir. Ida Bagus Alit Swamardika, M.Erg., IPM., I Nyoman Satya Kumara, ST., MSc., Ph.D and Dr. Dewa Made Wiharta, ST., MT. Meanwhile, dr. Ir. I Nyoman Setiawan, MT., Dr. Nyoman Gunantara, S.T., M.T., and Dr. Ir. Nurul Hiron, S.T., M.Eng., M.M., IPU., ASEAN Eng., CIAR (Siliwangi University, Tasikmalaya). act as an academic invitation.