PKKMB Faculty of Engineering 2021


The Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University held a Campus Life Introduction for New Students of 2021, Wednesday 18th August 2021. The theme with “Strengthening the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi to Produce Young Technocrats in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era” this activity expected to assist the new student in transition become mature and independent student, also accelerate the adaptation process to the new environment and provide a provision for their success in higher education.

Like last year, this PKKMB was also conducted online through the Cisco Webex Application. The PKKMB was divided into two sessions, morning-afternoon at the faculty and afternoon in each study programs. PKKMB was opened by the Dean, and attended by all leaders and staff of Engineering Faculty.

The Vice Dean for Academic and Planning Ir. I Ketut Sudarsana, S.T.,Ph.D in his report said the PKKMB attended by new and old students, with a total of 883 participants consisting of seven bachelor programs in Engineering Faculty. I Ketut Sudarsana also kindly welcome the new students “on behalf of the big family of Udayana University, especially the Faculty of Engineering, and as personally I would like to welcoming the new student of 2021, hopefully all of you success in study at Engineering Faculty, and have an active role in the name of the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University”.

PKKMB Faculty of Engineering was opened by the Dean Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, M.T.,Ph.D.,IPU. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana expected all new students to study hard, so later they will be able to perform well by academic atmosphere and facilities on campus. “Now you have a tittle as student of Engineering Faculty of Udayana University, behave well, polite, honestly, intellectually, wherever you are keeping the good name of your alma mater of Udayana University. The PKKMB of 2021 was closed by submission of all new students to each study program at the Faculty of Engineering.