Planning and Development Deliberation (Musrenbang) Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University


The Engineering Faculty of Udayana University arranged a Planning and Development Deliberation (Musrenbang) Wednesday, 17th of March, 2021. This online meeting was chaired by the Deputy Dean of Academic and Planning Affairs Mr. I Ketut Sudarsana, ST., Ph.D and was attended by all leaders in faculty and related sub-units. This discussion is a follow-up of the Musrenbang University, and the result will be used as a reference in compiling the Work Plan and Budget for Engineering Faculty of Udayana University 2022. This meeting emphasized that all activity plans must referring to the Key Performance Indicator of Renstra, contracts of performance, or BANPT indicators , also urge coordinators of program study to direct their team in making the 2022 Work Plan and Budget. Accordingly, the Work Plan and Budget that will make does not deviate and can achieve the targets.