Signing of Work Agreement, are Contract Employees of Engineering Faculty discipline?


Friday, May 7th 2021 the Faculty of Engineering held a Socialization Meeting and Signing of Work Agreement for Contract Employees. Located in Ruang Sidang 2, 3rd Floor, Dean Building of Engineering Faculty, Jimbaran, the meeting which was planned at 10.00 a.m. delayed up to 40 minutes, and started at 10.40 a.m.

This meeting began with the angers of the Administrative Coordinator of Engineering Faculty that had to wait the meeting participants who didn’t come. The Administrative Coordinator appealed and emphasized that, it was an official invitation from the institution that has been signed by Dean of faculty, and each meeting participants should be present at least 10 minutes before the meeting begins.

This meeting was discussed especially about the work agreement of Rector of Udayana University with the contract employees in Engineering Faculty. Vice Dean for General and Finance Affairs I Ketut Gede Sugita said, all employees have to scrutinize the content of the work agreement. If there was an item that no clear or difficult to implement, could be discusses in this meeting. I Ketut Gede Sugita also emphasized that, one item of the work agreement is about discipline.

The meeting was ended by signing the work agreement by all of contract employees of Engineering Faculty of Udayana University.