The Academic Guideline Revision Meeting for the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University

In context of drafting the Academic Guidelines, the Faculty of Engineering with the Pedomik Team FT UNUD held a meeting for drafting the Academic Guidelines of Engineering Faculty in 2021. Monday, May 3rd, 2021 was located in Ruang Sidang 1, 3rd Floor, Dean Building of Engineering Faculty, Jimbaran. This meeting was headed by Vice Dean for Academic and Planning I Ketut Sudarsana.

The Academic Guideline is a technical guidebook for educations that purpose to provide a comprehensive guidance to the academic communities. Usually, the academic guidelines contain vision &mission, quality policy & target policy, implementation and services information, scientific writing frameworks, profile of lecture and staff, and other. This Academic Guideline is valid as long as there is no change in policy.

In the Faculty of Engineering there are three the Academic Guidelines for each programs, that is Bachelor Program, Magister Program, and Doctoral Program.