The Archiving Management


The Archiving Management

Thursday, November 18, 2021 has been the last day of technical guidance about archiving management series at Engineering Faculty. This event has going for four days from 15th November, 2021 until today, present some experienced speakers from Archivist of Udayana University.

There are ten speakers carry out the technical guidance on each sub unit at the Engineering Faculty every day. This technical guidance expected could be give guidance about archive management on sub units for good and better.

This event was closed by Sub Coordinator for Academic and Cooperation I Ketut Suardita, S.E. I Ketut Suardita said “thank you for guidance and direction us for four days, hopefully in the future we can repair our management archive at the Faculty of Engineering be better”. I Ketut Suardita also said the archive places that doesn’t available for this time “we have a plan that, we will use the new Lab Engineering Building as the archive place later”.