Udayana University Innovillage Team together with the Udayana University Faculty of Engineering handed over the Innovillage 2022 Social projects program tools to the craftsmen of keben and fiber trays in Tembuku Village

Udayana University Innovillage Team handed over the tools for the Innovillage 2022 Social project offline program in Tembuku village, (23/11/2022). By taking the title of the tool "Innovation of Automatic Balinese Keben Dryers and Fiber Dulangs Based on Microcontrollers to Increase the Productivity of Craftsmen in the Rainy Season in Tembuku Village"

The Innovillage 2022 program is the third year Social Project competition with the theme "Empowering Young Sociopreneurs for National Development" and the tagline #DigitalForAll. This program accommodates students to carry out social activities in the midst of society that can overcome the problems they face. The social project funded through Innovillage 2022 is expected to provide benefits not only during program implementation, but also sustainable benefits for the community and the surrounding environment.

For the Udayana University Innovillage Team, they made a tool, namely the Keben Dryer and Automatic Balinese Fiber Drum Based on a Microcontroller which is a tool made to help solve the problem of drying difficulties in the rainy season for keben craftsmen and Balinese fiber trays in Tembuku village. So that later with this tool it can help with these problems and can also help increase the productivity of craftsmen in Tembuku village during the rainy season. In the future, the Udayana University Innovillage team will provide assistance for 3 months, to monitor the use of the tool and will carry out the development of the tool so that the tool can work more optimally later.

The handover of the Innovillage 2022 social program tools was immediately received by the craftsmen's representative, namely Mr. I Made Suwena. located in Tembuku village, Tembuku district, Bangli regency. Which was directly handed over by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs at Udayana University accompanied by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, Mr. Vice Dean for Student Affairs, Mr. Advisory Lecturer and the Innovillage Team.