UKM Robotec and KSR Robot carry out Community Service at Bukit Melingung Temple

UKM Robotec and the Robot Study Group (KSR) of the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, held community service activities at the Melinguh hill temple, Gunung Kangin traditional village, Bangli village, Baturiti district.

Mustika Wiyasa as the head of the organizing committee said that community service activities are a form of caring for the community and contributing as well as being filled with refreshing activities after carrying out competitions at the national level. The form of service is in the form of repairing electrical installations at the Melingung Hill Temple and cleaning activities around the temple area.

In this service, the participants consisted of students and lecturers, with around 40 students and accompanied by Ir. Cokorde Gede Indra Partha, M. Erg., MT., IPU., ASEAN Eng. And Dr.Ir. Ida Bagus Alit Swamardika, M. Erg., IPM. as a supervising lecturer. Because it's still in the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the supervisor always reminds students to always maintain health protocols