Visit and Info Session Kumamoto University “Study In Japan For Strengthening Overseas Network Functions To Promote Study In Japan”

Faculty of Engineering Udayana University received a visit from Kumamoto University, Japan, in the context of an Info Session activity entitled “Study in Japan for Strengthening Overseas Network Functions to Promote Study in Japan.” This event aims to strengthen academic cooperation and provide information to students regarding opportunities for further study in Japan.

The activity which took place at the Faculty of Engineering Building Udayana University was attended by representatives from Kumamoto University, lecturers, and students who were interested in continuing their studies abroad. In this session, representatives from Kumamoto University gave a presentation regarding academic programs, scholarships, and various facilities available for international students.

Representatives from Kumamoto University said that this program aims to expand the global network and attract more international students to Japan.

In addition to the presentation of materials, the event was also filled with a question and answer session that provided an opportunity for students to discuss directly with representatives of Kumamoto University regarding the registration process, life in Japan, and career opportunities after completing their studies.

With the continued good relationship between the two institutions, it is hoped that there will be more academic collaborations in the future that can benefit students and the world of education in general.